
Perfectly drafted wills and testamentary documents are the bedrock of good succession planning. This is even truer for assets and properties in India where succession laws are complex, with different laws applying to different communities. We have a specialised practice dedicated solely to Succession Planning, Estate and Trusts. A niche area of our practice is catering to succession planning needs of the Indian diaspora in foreign countries, particularly those who have family and ancestral properties in India. We assist these clients in securing their family estates, properties and assets in India, drawing and registering wills, deeds and other testamentary documents and setting up trusts and other entities with a view to offering them the most effective solution to their needs in keeping with the applicable laws.

We particularly advise clients on:

  • Protecting both personal and business assets for children
  • Leaving assets or an interest in a property to outside beneficiaries
  • Enforcing foreign wills, including by grant of probate and administration in keeping with Private International Laws
  • Advising on inheritance tax issues and tax planning.

Our teams in various jurisdictions, strive to ensure that assets are passes on in accordance with the wishes of their owners, are safe and protected, and disputes are avoided. In the unfortunate event of disputes, they render effective redressal advice and represent clients in courts.

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