
We have partnered with experts in Canada, UAE, UK and USA to assist clients successfully accomplish their immigration and settlement-related goals. In a highly competitive environment, our experts have successfully handled numerous complex immigration applications.

Our immigration specialist, Hasan Mahmood, Founder of Greenerpasturez, a boutique immigration consultancy, has a discerning insight into the ever-evolving immigration regimes of developed countries. Having worked in this field for years and having travelled extensively he brings with him tremendous experience and a vantage viewpoint.

An expert in the various aspects of Canadian immigration: in particular, immigration by investment, immigration by the work-permit route and immigration by pilot programmes of various provinces, Hasan has successfully provided boutique solutions to many individuals and families, now happily settled in Canada.

Likewise, our affiliates in the UAE, UK and USA regularly assist clients with their immigration-related matters through various routes. Right from assessing your eligibility for immigration they handhold you through the entire process until the decision on your application is made by the immigration authorities.

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